Welcome to witranslate

Student's Assessment Form

Want to improve your English or French with our translation-driven language learning program?

Well, first, we'll need to determine the best learning option for you. We'll ask you a few questions about your language background, learning objectives, and preferences. To optimize this process and your assessment results, make sure you follow the following instructions.

answer the questions in the targeted language

To help us assess your profile efficiently, answer the questions in the language you wish to learn, i.e. in English if you wish to learn English and in French if you want to improve your French.

don't use any automated translation tools or dictionaries

This assessment relies heavily on your responses, so please don't use any automated translation tools or dictionaries. Only rely on the knowledge you have acquired until now.

Write complete sentences

The objective here is to get a true picture of your language proficiency. So, make sure you answer with complete sentences.

Any Questions?

Don't hesitate to get intouch with your instructor to getpersonal assistance!


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